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Prostodoncia - Odontología Estética

Prostodoncia - Odontología Estética

Prostodoncia - Odontología Estética

Dr. Arturo Blanco Plard graduated OKU from the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) School of Dentistry in 1987. Upon graduation, Dr. Blanco continued his education with a general practice residency at the San Juan VA Hospital in Puerto Rico in 1988. He spent 2 years teaching esthetic dentistry and fixed prosthodontics at the undergraduate level in his alma mater before moving to Seattle WA, where he spent the next 3 years pursuing a specialty training certificate in Prosthodontics at the University of Washington School of Dentistry and a master in dental sciences as well. Upon returning to Puerto Rico in 1993, he set up a private practice limited to Prosthodontics and esthetic dentistry in Ponce, and taught for 7 years at the UPR School of Dentistry Graduate Prosthodontic Program, he also set up a private dental laboratory (B Creations) who served his practice and local dentists. In 2004 he developed Dentofacial Institute teaching center and offered comprehensive one year courses on full mouth reconstruction on teeth and implants for the development of motivated general dentists. Since 2000, Dr Blanco has been lecturing at the UPR School of Dental Medicine graduate programs in Orthodontics, Prosthodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial surgery as well as teaching the restorative dentistry segment of the Implant Dentistry course at the undergraduate level. In 2005 he opened a modern state of the art dental practice in the metropolitan area of Guaynabo. In 2006, he was named president of the University of Washington Graduate Prosthodontic Alumni Association. In 2007, he was named to be part of the occlusion & dental anatomy exam committee for the National Board of Dental Examiners, for the American Dental Association. In 2008, he founded and has presided up until the present the Puerto Rico Association of Prosthodontists. Dr. Blanco has lectured more than 500 hours locally as well as in countries such as Venezuela, Colombia , Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico and United States on subjects such as implant dentistry, fixed and removable prosthodontics, interdisciplinary and esthetic dentistry.

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